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"The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project is like no other in the world. It offers a unique opportunity to gain new insights into the impact of crossing on the genetic make-up of both chickens and mankind."


JEAN-JACQUES CASSIMAN, Human Geneticist, Emeritus Prof. of Human Genetics, KULeuven, Belgium

The Laboratory

Unique cohort

The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project and resulting biodata offer unique opportunities for fundamental biological and medical research. The repeated introduction of different DNA from new purebred chickens has resulted in new generations of chickens with a genome displaying remarkable increased and novel potential for gene transcription and expression. The new chickens contain 13 million SNP DNA, compared to 4-5 million in a typical commercial chicken. Each offspring population has a different biological make-up as a result of both the injection of new DNA and the environment in which the bird was raised.
Biodata bank
Through the provision of open-access samples and data from the Cosmopolitan Chicken Project, MOUTH wants to use art to contribute to science.
From 2017, all data and biological samples from this cohort are being collected and stored in a centralised, open-access bio and databank at LABIOMISTA in Belgium. These samples provide a wealth of information on chicken genetics, genomics, epigenetics and epigenomics. They are especially suited to the study of complex biological systems and metabolic pathways. 
Read more about related Research Projects
Book of Genomes
lab at LABIOMISTA, Chido Govera
Freezer with dna material
Sittard exhibition
Jean-Jacques Cassiman

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