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Become a co-writer in a handwritten edition of Koen Vanmechelen's

Book of Genome

Love letters

In this lockdown year 2020, and in honor of the 20th anniversary of the artist’s Cosmopolitan Chicken Project (CCP), we invite 1000 people from around the world to  become a co-writer in a handwritten edition of the Book of Genomes.
Vanmechelens 'Book of Genomes' artwork is an ode to diversity and an archive of 20 years of crossing. A unique code of letters and numbers that make up the DNA of the 20th generation Cosmopolitan Chicken. A book of more than 1000 pages, laying out the building blocks of life. The artwork is included in the permanent collection of the National Museum in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia and Wasserman Projects (Detroit, USA) and has previously been shown at V&A (London, UK), ZKM (Karlsruhe, Germany) and Denmark Biennale (Herford, Denmark).
With this 'Love Letters' project we create a unique version of this Book of Genomes; a handwritten copy. Made possible only by the contributions of many. Many people, many manuscripts, many hours. Love letters invites reflection on the cryptic code of DNA which develops in all its facets into the complexity of life.
We invite you to participate in this monastic endeavor.

Would you like to participate or know of others who would? Let us know via After registration you will receive a pdf with the text to be transcribed and a short instruction. All participant will receive a personalized certificate of participation.
"This project wants to be a warm gesture in these cold lockdown times. A Love Letter, if you wish. An invitation to participate in a new art project"
     - artist Koen Vanmechelen.

© 2019 by Mouth.  All rights reserved.

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